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2ª Edição da Conferência Internacional Sobre Recuperação de Pedreiras

Foto do escritor: SPECOSPECO

A 2ª edição da Conferência Internacional sobre Recuperação de Pedreiras “Quarries alive” terá lugar na Universidade de Liège, Bélgica, de 24 a 26 de junho de 2020, com o tema “Pedreiras como oportunidade para a biodiversidade e serviços do ecossistema - Uma abordagem europeia” (Quarries as opportunity for biodiversity and ecosystem services – A European approach).


Quarries alive aims to bridge quarries and biodiversity projects around the world taking advantage from sharing different approaches and insights. Our goal is to create an interdisciplinary gathering to exchange experiences from scientific research projects, technical engineering approaches and innovative pilot-studies focusing on the enhancement of biodiversity in quarries. We will focus on projects working on habitat management and restoration, ensuring ecological services, and uplifting the conservation value of quarried areas.


We welcome all researchers, practitioners, stakeholders, as well as policy makers, to take part of this conference and share their knowledge. We challenge all actors from several quadrants of society, from ecologists to industrial stakeholders or NGO’s to fulfill the demand for sustainable exploitation of resources.

Quarries alive 2020 will consist of two days of conference and one day of field trip. We expected scientific presentations, but also presentations of applied projects related to biodiversity and ecosystem services in quarries.

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